Issues — Kansas ForWard | Jim Ward for Kansas

You can trust Jim to:

  1. Revitalize the kansas economy

  2. support kansas workers

  3. ensure all kansas schools have the resources they need

  4. expand medicaid to 150,000 kansans

  5. improve our state's foster care system

  6. make kancare work for all kansans

  7. defend women's rights

  8. protect lgbt rights in kansas

  9. maintain a clean and sustainable water supply

  10. support kansas agriculture and our rural communities

Here’s how Jim will help move Kansas forWard!

Keep our communities safe

Jim Ward is a former prosecutor who has fought to keep our families safe and to support our law enforcement. As our next State Senator, he’ll fight for a stronger Kansas for everyone. From funding local police and emergency responders to fighting for justice for victims of crime, Jim is committed to ensuring the public's safety. He also fought to prohibit police departments from hiring someone fired from another police department for inappropriate conduct because we need to keep bad apples out of our local police force.

Create Good Jobs

Jim Ward knows that business men and women need stability to expand and grow jobs. Government should be there to help. That was one of the reasons why he helped lead the fight against the disastrous Brownback tax experiment that put state government on the edge of bankruptcy, and why he is ready to work to help businesses find new opportunities for creating jobs.

Jim wants to help small businesses back on their feet from the coronavirus pandemic by offering low interest loans. He believes we need to include job training and tax credits for hiring back those who were laid off during the pandemic.

Ensure Quality Schools for All Kids

Every Kansas child deserves a quality school and teacher who will give them every opportunity to pursue their God-given talents regardless of where they live. Jim Ward is proud to be a staunch advocate for public education. 

Expand Medicaid Now

Jim Ward introduced the first bill to expand Medicaid in Kansas and will continue to fight for it. Expanding Medicaid brings millions into the Kansas economy while providing health services for needy Kansans and shoring up strapped hospitals and clinics all around Kansas. He believes Kansans deserve a strong healthcare system and the opportunity to see a doctor when they are sick.

Jim’s approach is to listen, learn, and lead!

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